Things that need to stop!


Annoying habits of gross needy Losers.
If your one of the idiot who is doing things on this list, know that I hate you and for everyone else enjoy reading about some of the things I have to put up with.

-Throwing your dick pictures around. When no one’s paying you any attention, your go to move is to start sending dick pictures in hopes of soliciting some type of reaction. Its gross and nobody wants to see that shit. The only reaction you will get from me is a block.

-Sending excessive messages. I hate seeing my Skype or email filled up with message after message from a loser desperate to get answers to his pointless question. If I don’t reply to you, think why that could be. Mostly, the answers are clearly visible on my website or you’re asking for my time which isn’t free. If you’re still desperate for my attention, cash will work.

-Asking me for personal information. My real name, Where I live, My non fetish phone number, whatever personal info it is, you don’t need to know it. 

-Giving me your personal information. Unless I ask, I really don’t care about ANY of your personal info. We’re not friends and we’re not going to have late night text conversation. I also do not take part in blackmail fetish. So if you think sending me your info will result in the play out of some hot blackmail fantasy that’s been floating around your loser head, it won’t.

-Sending credit card info. Just because you send me you card info and tell me to drain your account, it doesn’t mean I ever will. Apart from the fact I think you’re completely stupid for sending a strange your card details, in the UK you are not allowed to use other people’s credit cards like you can in the USA. So I’m not about to get myself into legal trouble over you losers.

That is my list for now but no doubt I will add more to it in the future.

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